When I first read this week's writing prompt--do I have a favorite season and if so, why--the song "If Ever I Would Leave You" started swirling in my head. Sung by Robert Goulet of course. Robert Goulet was big in our house in the early 1960s. He was Canadian, classically handsome with a gorgeous voice. Anyway, why would I associate that song with this week's writing prompt? Well the song is about love and seasons--Lancelot singing to Guinevere about how he could never leave her at any time. And that goes along with my musings about seasons because my feelings around the changing seasons had so very much to do with love. Montreal, my hometown, has very distinct seasons. Spring is green and softly warm, Summer is humid and hot, Fall is a riot of reds and golds and greens and nippy and Winter is freeze your face off cold. I enjoyed all of the seasons because each held something that I loved. The photo below is of my home for the first 17 years of my life--6797 34th ...