Last week's activities centered around obtaining our smaller car. We went to Carlow on Tuesday with every expectation of picking up a 2009 white Fiat. Arrived there and were sitting in our usual pub/breakfast place when David-the-car-guy arrived. Usual pleasantries exchanged I said, "Well, are we ready?" Actually, no. Turns out David had looked at the car the afternoon before and he knew it just wouldn't pass the Ackroyd test. Too many dents in it. Ummm, so why did we drive all this way, couldn't you have called us? "Well, you know, when these cars come up, I (David) need to have the money right there to put on it so it was good that you brought it because I know of a great Fiat 500 that will be coming to auction tomorrow or the next day and I will have to snap it up." Umm, okay, gulping slightly and handing over the wad of cash in an envelope as if we were doing some kind of clandestine deal. Off he went. Luckily, though, the trip wasn't a complet...