It's been over three weeks since I returned from Ireland. And my body is still adjusting. I finally got an average of almost 7 hours of sleep last week but today I am back to feeling tired. Being 66 is very different from being 65 bodywise. Last year at this time I accomplished moving back from Ireland after our 10-month adventure, being homeless for over a month, with not as much fatigue and angst as I feel now. Can one tiny year make that much of a difference? I have actually traveled quite a bit this year though. We went to Bermuda at the beginning of April, were back a week and then went to Alberta for mother-in-law's funeral (4 days there and back courtesy of Allegiant Air). In the middle of June I took eldest granddaughter to Vancouver to inspire her to think about going to university at UBC. I had already taken her to Washington DC and to Montreal/Ottawa in years past. But, when I think back to June, I did feel much more tired on that trip than I had before. Hmmm. ...