In the past couple of months, since I have started attending the Episcopal Church here, I have become acquainted with the writings of a Franciscan priest named Richard Rohr. He is almost a contemporary of mine, born in 1943 in Kansas. Although I was born in 1952 and in Montreal, my sister was born in 1942 and the world he writes about growing up in, post-war, changing, is the world that I knew too, experiencing it first through the eyes of my sister and later through my own eyes. He writes in the Preface to The Naked Now, that although he grew up in a Catholic family, his Catholicism expanded in the 1960s with Vatican II, the Civil Rights movement in the US, and the greater emphasis on "the psyche" that came to pervade so much of our life ever since. This created in him "a fixation for trying to see almost all things as both/and--or a collision of opposites....I was always happily Catholic but curiously Protestant and Pentecostal." Gosh, yes, exactly. I grew ...