I am going to be sub teaching for my usual 4th grade students today and was trying to choose a book I would read to them. Because I’m going to Alaska in a few weeks, I thought of a book of stories that I typed up for Dr. Melzack at McGill—he transcribed Eskimo folklore in his “spare time” from his Psych stuff. And I typed up one of his books, “Why the Man in the Moon is Happy”. Sadly, the book costs $44 on Amazon or I’d buy it. Actually Ron gave me a copy of the typescript when I typed it those many years ago but of course I don’t have it. As I don’t have books in my library I’ve chosen a book from Kindle so that’s sorted. And what does that have to do with Brenda Milner you ask? Well, the other prof I worked for was Peter Milner, Brenda’s ex-husband. When I worked in the office Brenda was still a formidable presence from time to time although she worked up at the Allen Institute. When she’d call Peter on the p...