I participate in an online group with a young British journalist who asks a question a week (shades of Storyworth!) This past week she wrote about the joys of being self reliant, making your own bread, sewing your own clothes, etc., etc…. I thought about her article and this is my response. Whew, your articles are always thought-provoking! They arrive in my inbox at about 6:00 am my time, just as I am awakening to another day of quiet in this sleepy Arizona town—what shall I do today, nothing really happening, it never does…. (The lyrics to an old song called “Moody Manitoba Morning” by The Bells are running through my head.) There are a lot of things I am capable of and some that I choose to be incapable of because, well, I’m not interested. I did learn to sew when I was young, it was mandatory in my parochial school. But I never enjoyed it, it stressed me out trying to sew the perfect line or cut the perfect pattern. And nothing ever turned out well, unlike your curtains. A memory of...