One year ago we said our farewells to Sierra Vista and were on our way to Scottsdale, thence to New York, the Queen Mary, England and, ultimately, Ireland. And today I am sitting in our sparsely furnished but comfortable rental house back in Sierra Vista, quite glad that I am not en route again. Not that we are by any means settled. The rental is for six months and one month of those six is already almost over. We have looked at houses to buy, houses to build. We have talked about the relative merits of Utah, Oregon, Phoenix, even back to Santa Fe. We actually still have a toehold in SF in the form of a condo that may or may not be reverting to us at end January. Another of life's complications. But nowhere strikes either of us as "home." Not that either of us knows quite what home looks like at 65 years old with our childhood homes forever changed and no place along our life's journey thus far having been able to lock us in. I was looking at a few "Home...