1. What do you share? It's funny that should be the question I read tonight because I was just talking to my husband about a book I am reading, "Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent and Lead." In the chapter entitled "Debunking the Vulnerability Myths," she describes Myth #3: Vulnerability is letting it all hang out. She says that there should always be boundaries around vulnerability; we need to trust someone, know that they will not betray us, before we share tender, intimate stuff. That's a lesson I have been slow to learn. I tend to be that person who lets it all hang out with people. For the very reason that the author (Brene Brown) denotes: it's a kind of attention-seeking. It probably comes from a childhood that was fairly lonely, where I felt "different" and different not in a good way. Anyway, those pages were a wake-up reminder to me that sharing too much is just not good. It doe...