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Ship life

This is the Garden Lounge on Deck 9. Although gale force winds were blowing outside, the sun shining through the glass roof made it feel like we were in a warm sheltered—albeit plant less—garden. I arrived too late to get a Bingo card so I just sat at a quiet table at the side and watched the same man win three games out of four. By the third time the applause for his win was decidedly unenthusiastic.

By sunset the sea looked deceptively calm but the wind was still blowing so much that walking out on the deck definitely wasn’t on. I couldn’t open the doors to get out anyway.

On Thursday night I saw a great revue called “Palladium Nights,” a salute to the famed London Palladium and the stars who appeared there in the 1970s and 1980s. As I meandered back to the elevators to go up to my cabin, I stopped to listen to the lone saxophonist playing in the Grand Lobby.

I splurged and had my hair cut and styled on Friday. I had a photo on my phone from my trip to London in September (see below). I think he did a good job of copying it.

I am feeling more and more tired every day even though we “gain” an hour every night and, apart from a half hour treadmill session in the mornings, I don’t do anything very strenuous. I attended two good events today. Another performance from the wonderful pianist, Karl Lutchmayer, and a talk on modern Impressionism by the art gallery owner on board. I have finished another mystery from the library, on to the next. And finally there is another revue tonight called “Hollywood Nights” which promises a “rollercoaster ride through the history of the silver screen.” As tonight is a “gala night” I will need to dress up a little to go to the theatre. Sparkly top and wrap will do me. 



  1. I agree about the haircut. He did a good job of recreating a flattering and hopefully easy to care for look. I had long hair as a teenager, but it's so much easier short, which I've stuck with for a few decades now.

    As for "gaining" an hour a day, I find it perversely harder to adjust in that direction, myself.


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