I never imagined I would live in Arizona. Never knew about Arizona really. I knew it had dude ranches, courtesy of an old book I read as an adolescent, a Trixie Belden mystery set in Arizona. But living in eastern Canada in the 1950s through mid 1970s, the West, especially the US West, was more about cowboys than anything else. Laurie and I went to a dude ranch in Tucson in 1996 and, to be honest, I wasn’t really enthralled by the area. California was far more glamorous. So, in terms of my location right now, well, I never would have imagined either living in Arizona or even wanting to. But one of the things I often wish I had done—much as I am glad to be where I am, doing what I am, having the people around me that I have—is to have planned more when I was younger. It’s not that I didn’t have friends who had plans. I had a friend who wanted to be a doctor, some teachers, nurses, one friend wanted to be a nun, other friends who were determined to go to university for the exp...